Mar 12, 2022

Confidence In The Business Model & Management

Gery Carson of the SFI Marketing Group has worked hard over the last several years to build a legitimate business model that works for us. That model has been constantly tested and improved and in January, 2009, has reached yet another pinnacle with the introduction of is destined to become a major brand on the Internet. We will make it so. The company has a tested and proven, time-honored track record. (I personally have been an SFI Affiliate for over a decade.) While Gery Carson has never been timid in making needed changes and adjustments, he has been extraordinarily consistent in his goal to provide the best possible home-based business opportunity available at any given time. The company is sound.

The SFI business model is sound as well. As discussed before in this course, MLMs which base their model on the sale of over-priced products (that no one will buy without the added promise of riches from in turn selling the product to others) are not sound. Such opportunities are based on greed. Such opportunities are mathematically unsound. On the other hand, when an opportunity provides multiple products and services for you to promote, all reasonably priced and with much of the commissions being earned from retail sales; then you have a sound, viable opportunity. SFI offers such an opportunity. Indeed, you can earn commissions from the promotion of needed, everyday products and services in high demand, even in times of economic crises.

In addition, these economic times call for reuse of reusable goods. is based on that very timely need. Rather than depending on large corporations to manufacture new items for all our needs—while landfills overflow with perfectly useable items—modern technology needs to be more employed to the task of connecting people with others who have unwanted items they can use. does just that—it uses the most modern internet technology, combined with one of the largest affiliate networks in the world, to keep items in productive use and out of landfills—benefiting all involved.

Also, later in 2009, my company, VeryVIP Sitebuilder Hosting, is launching a new Internet package designed to recruit new affiliates for your SFI Team based on the concepts in this lesson. With modern social networking technology built right into the package, you will be able to connect with, and instill confidence in, a much larger audience of possible affiliates. By connecting together, having confidence in ourselves and each other,...and being willing to take a real independent approach to the challenges that face us and our world; we can truly create our own thriving economy.

Conclusion—Take Action

It is really quite simple when you think about it. A large part of the current economic crises is due to lack of confidence. Due to this lack of confidence, business slows down because people slow down. People need products and services and want to buy them, but are reluctant to do so...due to fear and insecurity in their financial future. Businesses want to produce products and services but are reluctant to do so...due to declining sales. This is very easy to turn around just by instilling confidence. Although we may now lack confidence in traditional businesses and government, we can have confidence in SFI, our SFI business, our team of affiliates, and ourselves! With this confidence, we can stimulate our own personal economies. While you may understandably be reluctant to buy a new car or a new home right now, do not be reluctant to invest in your SFI business! Work harder than ever! Promote harder than ever! Invest more than ever! Buy the things you need and want from and and promote those products and services to everyone whom you come into contact. Recruit new affiliates for your team. Explain to these new affiliates that the only thing necessary for success is confidence. When they become confident, they will create action. Action creates commerce. Commerce creates prosperity. Prosperity increases confidence. It becomes an upward spiral of success for everyone involved, as opposed to the downward spiral of the world economy right now.