Mar 31, 2022

Abandonment - Why Visitors Don't Turn Into Customers

Every good Internet business understands the value of conversions versus hits received. Far too often, businesses become fixated on the hits they are receiving instead of monitoring their hit to sale conversion rate. This misguided focus is the road to ruin because it fails to take in the issue of abandonment.


"Abandonment" is one of those terms that has a unique meaning when applied to the Internet. The term refers to reasons why a user abandons a site before taking the action the site owner desires, typically purchasing a product or making an inquiry.

There are a number of beautiful sites on the Internet with unique innovations. Unfortunately, these sites rarely turn a profit or unnecessarily limit their profit potential. Site owners must focus on only one thing when building a site – converting visitors to customers. To avoid abandonment issues, you should focus on the following:

1. The site should always load as quickly as possible to accommodate visitors that are using 56k dialup modems.

2. The site should be designed for ease of use, not "what looks good."

3. All advertisements must click through directly to the items that are being searched, not the home page of the site.

4. Site pages should be kept short to improve load times.

5. Information that is not germane to the product or service should be removed.

6. Flash, music and other "atmosphere elements" of the site should be removed or optional to speed up load times.<

7. Signing up for the site newsletter must be incredibly easy.

8. Customers should be required to fill out the minimum of information to make a purchase.

9. Newsletters should be issued in HTML and text since some email systems do not accept HTML.

10. All images should be compressed for quick loading.

11. All links and emails must also include AOL friendly equivalents.

12. All emails must have automatic text wraps at 60 spaces so that the recipient does not receive a disjointed mess of code in their email box.

13. Email communications from the public must be responded to within 24 hours.

14. Communications made after business hours must be responded to first thing in the morning.

15. The site should offer accumulating bonus points for purchases that eventually lead to a "free gift"

16. When an order is shipped, an email should be sent to the customer telling them as much.

The list is fairly endless, but you should always view site designs and advertising from the perspective of the customer. The universal question for each project is, "How could we make this easier for customers?" By emphasizing this approach, you will bypass many of the problems you see on the net and avoid wasting your advertising dollars.

Mar 30, 2022

Forget Conventional Dream Interpretation: Learn to Cultivate Your Dreams Today!

One of my favourite quotes of all time and I am sure many of you share my thoughts, is the speech by Martin Luther King at the civil rights march in Washington, 1963, which went like this: 

"I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit together at the table of brotherhood..." 

"I have a dream..." Indeed. Inspiring stuff. I want to discuss our dreams in a very practical way today. 

I want to talk about how to cultivate your dreaming. It really is a tremendously valuable thing to do. I want to steer away from conventional dream interpretation and will explain why. 

As of today, pay attention to your dreaming and your daydreaming. Dreams are important to us in many ways, because they do the following: 

Firstly, when you dream you actively process information and feelings. 

Secondly, dreams are always involving many senses, so the highly sensory experience is very rich. It is quite rare for us to use all our senses at once as we do when we dream. 

Thirdly, dreams give us valuable information about what is going on in our lives, whether directly or more often in a disguised or symbolic form. 

Fourthly, dreams are strongly sequenced, though often in a way which is emotionally rather than logically organised. 

Finally, dreams draw upon a rich range of unconscious, associative, creative links between many kinds of information. 

Some people remember their dreams; others tend to forget all but the most dramatic bits as soon as they wake. When you dream or daydream, take time to replay as much of it as you can in your mind before the events of the day overlay it. Relive the story of that dream. Remind yourself of the events, pictures, sensations and other sensory information it involved. 

This dream was the product of your mind. Marvel at your own creativity! This is amazing stuff here; get excited by it. 

If you get into the habit of asking yourself when you wake, "what did I dream?" you may at first only remember a few particularly strong feelings or vivid images: write them down and review it regularly. I actually used to write a dream journal and wrote everything down as soon as I opened my eyes each morning. It provided me with such inspiration when I required it. 

Naturally, lots of you may want to start with dream interpretation straight away. Resist the urge for dream interpretation, ok? 

Do your best not to assume that there is necessarily a single clear meaning which can be interpreted according to psychological theories or books on dream significance or dream interpretation. How can your dreams have the same meaning as someone else? Is your brain the same as that persons? For now, ease off the dream interpretation. 

I have found that the most useful assumption to make about dreams is that they have some kind of significance for you, the dreamer: they come from your internal, unconscious mind's storehouse of feelings, experiences and images, and are an active and useful way of processing that is quite different from – and just as useful as – the processing that belongs to the logical conscious part of your mind. 

Often a strong feeling will be your first clue to the meaning a dream has for you: so note it, and wonder about it, but don't try to rush to tie it down by conscious analysis. The real work of the dream is often done simply in the dreaming of it: the conscious mind does not always have to understand, and when it tries to translate dreams into its own terms it may be limiting it, just as poetry translated from another language usually loses something of its more subtle tapestry of meanings. 

Think about the value of dreams. 

Dreams demonstrate a different level of mental functioning from conscious, disciplined thought. When you pay attention to them, and even cultivate them, you are learning to become familiar with, to trust and to draw upon a fuller range of your own mental resources: in other words, you are using more of what you've got. Hey, this stuff is going to keep happening, so why not really use it. 

The mind works both consciously and unconsciously. Conscious thought is formally taught in our education system. Its strength is its systematic and disciplined way of handling information. Its limitation is that it tends to be rule-bound and too narrow in its problem-solving approach. <

The brain also processes information at an unconscious level: mostly, this is associative and depends on links, similarities and feelings. This processing produces dreams, as well as much of our other "creative" or "expressive" experience. That is why we are often surprised by the spontaneous connections we make or insights we have, and by our imaginative inspiration: it is not what we would have come up with consciously at all, yet it seems somehow completely "right". This way of thinking works "laterally" – it expands, goes sideways and finds multiple avenues rather than just one. 

We need both kinds of functioning if we are to make the most of our brain power. Logic and intuition, discipline and divergence, are all vital tools that enrich and enable us. But whereas we are used to working with the conscious mind, in part because we are aware of it and can monitor it as it works, many people are less at ease trusting and using the unconscious processes. Paying attention to your dreams, and deliberately cultivating daydreaming, are both ways of stretching yourself into this area. 

So let us have a look at the value of deliberate daydreaming. Where dreams come unbidden, you may find it useful to deliberately evoke the conditions for daydreaming, if, like many people, you have not really valued the activity before now. 

How is it valuable? Daydreaming brings us escape and relaxation; visions of the future that inspire and help us to bring about what we have dreamed of; solutions to apparently unsolvable problems; inventions and creative possibilities. Daydream states allow the unconscious, associative parts of the mind to work in their own playful and imaginative ways, bringing not only pleasure but results that our usual deliberate, attentive, rational thought does not. We need space in our lives for both ways of processing if we are to realise ourselves as fully as possible. 

The key to daydreaming is to be in that right state. If you want to practice, please visit my website and download the free hypnosis session there, or learn self-hypnosis, read my book "The Secrets of Self-Hypnosis" or invest in the self-hypnosis masterclass audio programme, there is nothing else as good in the world today, really there isn't. There is a kind of automatic abstractedness that goes along with daydreaming. Mostly it just seems to happen –but when you know about creating and changing states, you can choose to make it happen. 

Here are some ways you can cultivate and work with your daydreams: 

Firstly, notice when you have been daydreaming. Is there any pattern of circumstances that helps bring about your particular daydreaming state? 

Some people find that repetitive, relatively automatic, activities such as jogging, ironing or walking create the right state. Perhaps it is a warm bath, swimming a few lengths, or sitting in the garden. Or it may be swaying to the movement of a train, staring into space, looking out of the window of a bus on the way to work, or going on a long drive. 

Once you find what helps you daydream, use it and make space for it in your life on a regular basis, imagine that you are in that experience, recreate those circumstances inside of your mind. Let daydreaming come to you, and notice what kinds of windows it opens from our ordinary world into what other kinds of possibilities. Some of your best ideas and inspirations may come at these times. 

Secondly, next time you have a decision to make, or a problem to solve, or a challenge to overcome, you can set up the circumstances so that you can trigger your daydreaming state – and allow yourself to explore your problem or decision in this way. When you have done so, make some notes of what you experienced and discovered. Add that to your conscious thinking on the subject: you now have much more information, and the advantage of having engaged more of your mental resources. 

Thirdly, for today, forget dream interpretation. That is a conscious and limiting thing to do. Did I make myself clear? Forget conventional dream interpretation. For now use your dreams in personal ways to you.

Mar 29, 2022

Internet Domain Name Registration Explained

When we talk about the internet, we cannot escape the fact that one thing that is nice about the internet is that nobody really owns it. It is just a global collection of networks, both of those are big and small, that really link together in many various means just to create a certain formation or a single entity that we know today as "the internet". Since the internet was born in 1969, it has grown from four host computer systems to hundreds of millions today. And due to such rapid growth, it is no doubt that there came a concept for domain name which ten opened up to the concept for the internet domain name registration.

So speaking of the internet domain name registration, you then should note that the term internet domain name registration has certain processes similar to a typical domain name registrations process. It is just termed as "internet domain name registration" since you are registering a domain name for the internet.

So as it is commonly noted, the internet domain name registration is not a prolonged process. However, it is just important to know that for the internet domain name registration to become easy as it should be, the effort of those who are serious of obtaining a domain name is needed. It is in fact true that the success of the internet domain name registration depends on the level of effort that those wish to own a domain name exerted.

Since we are talking about an internet domain name registration here, you should be aware that the most suitable way of looking for a domain name registrar, since it is the foremost step that a domain name consumer should take, is by using the domain name search engines. In the world of internet domain name registration, domain name search engines are the most typical way of looking for a domain name registrar. So when it is done, or once the domain name consumer is in the domain name registrar's site on the internet for an internet domain name registration, it is followed with an act of checking the accessibility of the desired domain name.

Following to such move for an internet domain name registration, the domain name registrar will communicate with a certain domain name registry to ascertain if the requested domain name entered during the early process of internet domain name registration is accessible for purchase or the requested domain name is already bought by another party. So then it follows that if desired domain name is still accessible, then the registrant is then fortunate that he or she will be able to go through the process of internet domain name registration by of course registering the domain name.

And in the internet domain name registration, you should be aware that you need to enter or to type the contact information and the Domain Name System information for your desired domain name. Such contact information needed in the internet domain name registration is then distributed with a certain registry for the top level domain purchased. Even more considerable is that in the internet domain name registration, you are basically inserting a record into an internet directory of the entire domain names and their equivalent computers on the internet. 

Mar 28, 2022

Why You Should Outsource Your Graphic Design

Graphic design is a form of communicating 
visually using text and images to present 
information or promote a message. A graphic 
designer works designing print, environmental, or 
electronic forms of visual information for an 
advertisement, publication, or website. 

Many people consider that if they have Photoshop 
and know to work on it they can be an "artist" 
and create their own graphic design. However, 
this is not as simple as it looks, because if you 
really want to have success with your company, 
book, or website, you should create a really 
interesting and unique image of your business to 
attract more and more clients. 

This is something only a real graphic designer 
can do, because he is able to decide the most 
effective way of getting a message across in 
print, electronic and film media using a variety 
of methods as color, type, illustration, 
photography. Graphic designers analyze and create 
visual solutions to communication problems. 

For example, if you are an author, think about 
how much you work to finish a book, it is a very 
good book, but try having a bad cover for it and 
you will see your sales close to none. Therefore, 
you will better choose a master in graphic 
design; it is easier and profitable to let him do 

Graphic designs can have a positive impact on any 
book because not only it is able to present it in 
a clear, understandable, and neat format, but 
also to support the message the book intends to 
give to the reader. 

If you have a company, in order to acquire the 
best knowledge and expertise in the market that 
is most suitable for a company's needs, make sure 
that the objectives and the understanding of your 
needs are essential as the visual effects of your 
process, product, website, and the company image 
can be critical to your company success. 

Because of the fact that they could change the 
image of the company and attract more and more 
clients, many small and large companies today 
outsource their graphic design needs. 

Remember that the longer people stay on your 
website browsing different pages, the greater is 
the chance that they will do business with you. 
Unless there is something compelling to make them 
explore further, they will leave your website 

Therefore, you need an expert help to make it 
look attractive and interesting. 

Here are some reasons why you should choose a 
graphic designer: 

* can create an oriented design, he understands 
your wishes and know how to promote your message 

* they have an extensive editorial design 

* offers you revisions and as much concepts as 
you need 

* remember that not every company try to squeeze 
every cent out of you; you may find a real expert 
who might make a great job for you for a price 
that is acceptable for you 

* if you want to have success with your business, 
you know that image is the most important thing 
for your business.

Mar 27, 2022

How To Generate Traffic Using Only Free Methods

Putting up a company Website requires many things. To get straight to the point, first you need capital. To make money requires spending money as well. Nevertheless, with the versatility the Internet offers, there are many ways that could help optimize the potential of your site or business in generating traffic.

While there are ways to jumpstart your traffic flow, many sites don’t have the resources to spend on advertising that would generate more traffic. Well, you don’t have to spend a cent; all you need is the proper mindset and a lot of eagerness. You also must have the drive and perseverance to do hard work and research to generate more traffic for your site.

How sweet it is to have more site traffic without spending a single cent. Now it’s a sure thing that many sites have articles that offer tips and guidelines in how to generate traffic using only free methods. Typically when you don’t have money to spend on marketing, you should be prepared to take more time to use other methods. I’m not going to mislead you. You get better exposure with paid advertising, but at least you get a fighting chance with some of these free methods I’m about to share with you.

Take advantage of online forums and online communities.

The great thing about forums and online communities is that you can target a certain group that fits a certain demographic that you are looking for. You can discuss many things about the niche that you represent or offer. Another great advantage is that you know what you are getting into and you will be prepared.

With online communities and forums, you can build a reputation for your company. Show them what you can offer and wow them with your range of expertise about the subject. With that you can build a reputation and build trust with the people in your expertise and knowledge.

You can also use newsletters.

Give people a catalog of your products along with interesting and entertaining articles. If you give people quality content more people will sign up for your newsletter and recommend it to other people. The more people who sign up for your newsletter, the more people there will be that will go to your site to check it out.

Exchange links with other sites.

You don’t have to spend a cent for this one. All you have to do is reach an agreement with another webmaster. By exchanging links, the efforts of both sites are combined for mutual benefit. All traffic that goes to one site could potentially click on the link of the other site and visit it site too. This works well, especially when both sites appeal to the same niche or compatible niches. A wedding planner’s Website, for instance, would benefit by having links to a Photographer’s Website and a Printer’s Website and a Caterer’s Website. It makes the wedding planner look knowledgeable and efficient, and the other professionals (the photographer, the printer, and the caterer) will certainly benefit from visitors that come from the wedding planner. They might even consider giving the wedding planner’s customers a discount!

Write articles that could pique the attention of people who have interest in your product.

Try to write articles that will provide tips and guides to other aficionados – give information that will solve their problems or help them with something they’re seeking. Good service and good information from you will help cement your reputation and your readers’ trust.

Many sites offer free submission and posting of your articles.

When people find your articles interesting, there’s a good chance they will follow the links in your author signature and visit your Website. Always include a link or a brief description of your company with the article and there is a great probability that they will go to your site.

Write good content for your site.

Many search engines track down the keywords and keyword phrases your site uses and how they are used. It is not a requirement that content should be done by a professional content writer. You could do your own, but you have to make content for your site that is entertaining and informational.

Generally, Internet surfers use search engines to find what they are looking for. Search engines in return use keyword searching to generate their search results. With the right keywords attached to your site, you could get high rankings in search engine results without spending much money.

All these methods and more will drive more traffic to your site for free.

All it takes is a bit of effort and a good bit of time. Learn all you can about the methods depicted here and you will soon have a site with a great traffic flow without the usual costs that more traditional paid advertising would incur. Better yet, combine the two approaches for a slam-dunk.

Mar 26, 2022

20 Reasons To Have Your Own Website

20 Reasons To Have Your Own Website

Thanks to John Wilson, SFI Team Leader and President's Club member

1. Improves your credibility as an Internet marketer and as an SFI Team Leader.
2. Gives you the freedom to present and emphasize the information you want the way you want to.
3. You can send e-mail using your chosen domain name.
4. Makes your training information and tips easily available to your affiliates.
5. Allows you to set up a blog on your site. (CPanel hosting make it a 5-minute task using Fantastico on CPanel to auto-install a WordPress blog on your Website). Posting to your blog on a regular basis will improve your site's exposure on the search engines—very beneficial.
6. You can create a forum where your SFI team members can find and help one another...and you could help them all. You could even make a private forum for your SFI Team Members only.
7. Adding your own content on a regular and continued basis also will likely get you noticed by the search engines. You can use articles your affiliates submit, providing exposure for them, along with a link back to their SFI Gateway or personal Website.
8. You can setup a page to attractively frame your favorite SFI Gateway(s).
9. Allows you to offer more training options for your team with ebooks, software, and special reports in downloadable form.
10. You can host a site for your "technology challenged" affiliates. It could be as simple as just another page within your main Website. For instance, you could create "," where XXXXXXXX is affiliate's SFI ID. You could also use the affiliate's name or company name.
11. Providing an RSS feed from your site can let you deliver your sales or training messages without needing someone's e-mail address, thereby expanding your reach to prospective customers. If you need to become familiar with RSS, try this free RSS reader:
12. Setting up a form on your Web page allows you to collect visitors' names and e-mail addresses. Set the form to post the information to your Autoresponder or a database on your site. Check with your Web host for instructions on setting this up.
13. You can setup a page for exchanging relevant links to other Websites. This could help you improve your search engine rankings, which would then increase the traffic arriving at your site.
14. With your own Website, you could then join Traffic Swarm and other traffic exchanges for some free traffic.
15. You can install your own autoresponder on your Webserver to automate your e-mail followup tasks. Even better, by hosting the autoresponder yourself, you won't have to pay monthly fees for a separate autoresponder service.
16. By copy/pasting some code, you can setup a Webpage to redirect to another page, letting you "hide" long, awkward links with affiliate numbers that' are often rejected by many search engines and advertising places. For example: could become
17. You can provide helpful FAQs for your team members, providing a simple page in which to direct your new affiliates for questions.
18. Adding audio, video, and other multimedia content can improve the attractiveness and effectiveness of your offer.
19. Creating and maintaining your own Website allows you to learn more about and become more comfortable with today's technology. As you grow more confident with running your own site and online business, you can pass this valuable knowledge on to others.
20. As you learn more about setting up an online business and Website, you can then sell your skills in the form of content for others' sites.

Mar 25, 2022

The Evolution of a Search Engine Marketing Company

Search engine marketing got a new lease of life in 1995 and since then it has just grown to become one of the most powerful medium to drive your online business. The sad part is that for many, this field is still new and unexplored. You can find numerous search engine forums and newsletters posting facts, steps, and tricks surrounding search engine or internet marketing Delhi, India. 

The most questions of them all are how to look for a famous and dependable search engine marketing company 
delhi, india. Though this question may sound cliché but it holds a lot of significance. There are many website marketing companies who employ unethical or black hat SEO techniques to gain high ranking. 

It's Brick Blue, the search engine marketing company in
New Delhi, India that really hits the nail on the head. Being one of the budding Internet marketing companies in the UK, Brick Blue knows how to rank a website in the shortest span. However, they never overrule search engine rules and are complete ethical to what they do. Before beginning with your website marketing campaign, they'll gather every bit of information required for ranking your website. Their main aim is not just to rank your website but also generate quality traffic. 

Acting as a guide, Brick Blue provides internet marketing servicesin
new delhi, india as well as other countries across the globe. This website marketing company is a company that educates, performs work, analyses and solves problems, makes decisions, and promotes ethics. Following the right path Brick Blue simply promotes ethics associated with this field of study. Being a search engine marketing company they follow a simple and clearly defined path so that there are no hiccups. Any search engine marketing company in new delhi, india follow a contract stuff, in which various points are clearly stated. You can get desired ranking, if you don't make changes online. So try to mention or clearly state the changes you are planning to make to their site in your contract. And do this before starting any work. If you haven't signed a contract of yet, just do it now.
Many website marketing companies offering Internet marketing services in the new Delhi India are very particular about certain addition and deletion. Try to mention that the client should not change, add, or delete the new copy and HTML coding for minimum three months while search engine marketing campaign is under progress. If they still do, then you shouldn't be held responsible for any goof up occurring in the near future. It has been seen that any online change directly affects the search engine rankings of your website. If you simply want to play safe and even cover yourself, don't forget to mention that you will take no responsibility for the search engine rankings if they change, add, or delete the pages without your knowledge and approval. So, to boost your online business, contact the best and dependable search engine marketing company in india.

Mar 24, 2022

Obtaining Links For Your Website

One of the most difficult tasks, having developed your website is to promote it on the search engines and achieve first page rankings. This is after all where we, as web site owners want to be, especially if you are selling products or promoting your services. Anything after the third page is generally useless for attracting visitors and potential customers. So how can you achieve this first page ranking on the major search engines?

I will assume that you have good content and update this at least on a weekly basis as this attracts the search engine spiders to regularly visit your site. However content alone will not see you leap through the rankings. What will encourage this movement on all the search engines are backward links.

You will have undoubtedly read of the many ways of getting links to your website, from reciprocal links to one way links, and that the latest information out of Google suggests that buying links may result in a penalty and in being demoted in the rankings. So how do you, as a busy person running your own business and attempting to promote your own website do it? You could as people suggest e-mail a variety of webmasters whose sites are related to yours asking them to link to you. This is very time consuming and yields little result. Reciprocal linking is easier but still time consuming and the links seem to be of little value now so again the time spent on this may not be a useful and productive way of using your time. Directories are again relatively easy if time consuming and many of them now require a payment for a link in their directory. If you are planning on registering with as many directories as possible then this can ultimately turn out to be an expensive enterprise. This is OK if you have a big budget but most of us work on very tight budgets. It is also being suggested that the value of directory links is being downgraded so again it may not be the most valuable use of your time.

That leaves one avenue, that of writing and publishing articles. You are presumably an expert in your field so writing about different aspects related to your website should not be difficult. The very first article is difficult and takes up a lot of time but subsequent ones become easier and easier to write. You will surprise yourself as to what you can actually write about. How valuable these articles are I can only relate from my own experience. Three months ago I started writing articles and have averaged ten per month ever since. When I first started my web site had 12 links registered on Google, 36 on MSN, 8 on Yahoo and none on Teoma and was languishing on pages seven and eight. Three months down the line and 30 articles later the site is on the first page of these three search engines for at least six of my keywords and the links have increased as follows; Google 54, Yahoo 616, MSN 2056, and Teoma 606. When these links are investigated over 90% of them are from these articles which have been picked up by ezines, weblogs and used as content on other people's sites. It is a constant source of surprise and enjoyment looking to see where they end up! Getting excellent link backs to your website is not the only benefit you get from the articles because they also encourage visitors to your site, and every visitor is a potential customer. 

Mar 23, 2022

Choosing The Right Domain Name

Many people got lucky and sold their domain for unbelievable prices. Was that pure luck? Or was there something that we still don't know? Is there still domain-gold left in the already mined domain market, to lay our hands on? Lets see.

First of all what we will look in some of the main reasons which makes a domain priceless and sellable.

# Generic or Day to Day life words.

# Their extensions weather it is .com or .net. Its popularity. (Right now .com)

# Less characters. (Say 4 or 5 at most)

# Their pronunciation. (Don't say epdu or something else it is not pronounceable)

# The keyboard relationship. (It would be easier to type in "tyru" instead of "oqzk". Some companies who wants brandable names see this)

Now If we look into the very first point about generic or day to day life words most of them are taken. So how to find some other? Here is the tip. Just try and sit with a pen and paper when you are watching television. Write down the words that you think might be available as a domain name. You can do the same when you are reading some novel or newspaper. This trick surely pays I got many of my domains watching "Terminator" and "Home Alone" kind of movies.

Now the extension. If you have found out a great word which is already registered with .com extension. Then you can try otherTLD's. But in this you run into some kind of risk. You can surely reg "" & "" but you can't bet your money on "" or "". So just apply some thinking over here.

Talking about less characters If you find a 3 letter name then just pounce on it. It really has the market. But there are none available right now. So look for 4 or 5 character names. Apply all our rules that we saw before and even then if it passes through all that steps without a hitch then take it in.

Pronounceable or not is also a factor. If you know english language, which I think you will be knowing as you are reading this article then there are no problems. For those who are weak at english they can try or any other dictionaries which are available online to look for that name.

Don't get discouraged if your word is not listed in it. You can surely ask some other guy on chat who is not interested in domains about this word. Otherwise the guy to whom you are asking may reg it before you and all your dreams might get shattered into pieces.

The last but not the least is the keyboard relationship. Some companies may look into it. If they are willing to spend their millions for this domain and other millions for marketing it and making it into a brand. You can try this. some words are just a flick on keyboard. As I said before "tyru" is easy to type in. while oqzk is a bit tougher. Just try it and see the difference.

Mar 22, 2022

Earning Website Revenue From Advertising

There are two "common and very popular" ways you can make money from your website. These are: 

1. Selling Goods and Services 
2. Earning Money from Advertising 

Earning money from advertising, if you are a first time website owner, may be difficult for you to believe. It is possible. Earning money from advertising is what this article will address. 

When I first came to the internet I wondered why almost every website I was on had banner advertisements almost everywhere. I soon learned anyone with a website can display advertising banners and get paid for it. The process is through joining affiliate networks. An affiliate network is an intermediary where you can select from a variety of advertisers. Or you can simply look on the menu on most websites selling goods or services for a "join our affiliate program," or something similar to this. Usually it just involves completing an online form and copy/paste an html code onto your website wherever you want the banner to appear. When your visitors click on the banner, it takes them to your affiliate's site. Sometimes you get paid for just the referral, other programs pay out when the referral leads to an actual sale. One huge affiliate program that is very popular is 

Different payment schemes: 

 Pay Per Impression: You are paid according to the number of times the advertiser's banner is displayed on your site. If your site attracts a lot of visitors, you have the possibility of earning more. 

 Pay Per Click: You are only paid when visitors click the advertiser's banner on your site. You will probably have better results if the banners you select suit the target consumer of your site. 

 Pay Per Sale or Lead: You only earn if your visitors click through the banner on your site and either purchase an item from the advertiser or take some other action such as sign up for a service they are offering. This is like the pay per click in that you will probably get better results if you choose advertising banners to target the consumer of your site.

When do you get paid? Most advertisers will generally wait until you accrue at least $25 before they make a pay-out. 

One of the most popular programs for earning revenue with your website is the Google Adsense program. This is where you run Google ads on your website. Google pays out when you accrue $100 or more. 

Most programs will either send you a check or directly deposit into your bank account. 

Probably the best way to choose an affiliate program is not to choose according to the payment scheme. You should choose your affiliate programs according to the kind of consumers or people who will be visiting your website. The number one most important rule for choosing affiliate programs is probably to know who your website audience is. If your website is about "cats," then choose programs to cater to cats, such as cat food, cat toys, cat books. Google Adsense Program chooses the ads that best suit the page they are displayed upon. 

Some studies suggest you only choose a few affiliate programs for your website. Otherwise, your website and establishment may get labeled as an "affiliate farm," and you will not be taken seriously as an affiliate marketer. 

Earning revenue from advertising is one of the easiest ways to earn money from your site. All you need is to getvisitors to your site and the banners or codes in place. You virtually make money while you sleep. You might call it an extra check for marketing services of your website to gain visitors, of which, you have to do anyway if you want your website to thrive on the internet. 

This article is FREE to publish with the resource box. 

Mar 21, 2022

Do You Have What It Takes To Be An Affiliate Marketer?

Each of us has our own interest or has a hobby. Some love all kinds of books, music, and movies while others are into sports and traveling. There are also people who love to grow flowers and loves pets. These things help us to relax and forget our everyday problems and troubles and these things are common to people. But not everyone has a hobby that makes money for him/her except if you love your job.

A money making hobby could let you treat your family and friends with the extra cash or you can even quit your current job that you almost certainly hate. That is why many of us today go online to start a business; their reasons are either to supplement their income or to gradually replace their offline income from their job. Affiliate marketing is a great way to start in making money online.

Affiliate marketing is a revenue sharing partnership between a web merchant and one or more affiliates. The affiliate is paid a commission for referring clicks, leads or most often sales to the merchant. An affiliate’s advantage is that he can make money in a business where he doesn’t have the upfront costs of creating his own product, and he doesn’t have to worry about e-commerce, bookkeeping, or even customer support for it is the merchant’s responsibility.
Now, for sure you want to be an affiliate marketer with all that benefits an affiliate could get. But, do you have what it takes to be an affiliate marketer? Before you begin your venture into affiliate marketing, you need to decide first which area interest you. What products do you know the most and which products you could do the best job of selling? Once you discover your specialty, perseverance, patience, determination comes next. These are the qualities you should possessed to be a good affiliate marketer.

Too many online business prospectors lose out because they become impatient. You also have to know what your strengths are, the things in which you are good at and your capabilities and abilities related to your chosen streak. And the most important thing is you have to have a strong desire to succeed in affiliate marketing.

To be an affiliate marketer is not an easy task. You have to learn the techniques of marketing your product or service. You shouldn’t be looking at every chance because marketing is all about attracting you to look at this or that particular opportunity. To be a successful affiliate marketer, you should learn how to listen and to be taught because in life we need to learn skills to get by.
For an affiliate marketer, you should know how to market your site effectively, in will enable you to get thousands of visitors coming to your site which transforms into more sales. This only means that the faster you set up a website, the bigger your chances of making money online faster. You should avoid the same mistakes some affiliates make everyday, they are only building a short-term business where they just make a small sale. Make sure you do understand that you should be building a long-term affiliate business and not just something that makes you a few dollars on one sale.

It is also better to have knowledge on how to upsell your visitors for expensive services. This will in turn make you become recognized as an expert in your field and making money will be easier. There are some people thinks that just by having affiliate links on their website will bring them good profits. This can have some truth to it, but then most successful affiliates still believe that making use of strong marketing campaigns for their affiliate programs is still important. But affiliate marketers become much more successful when they treat their customers or online visitors as friends. Make a commitment to establish relationships with your customers and especially with visitors to your site. It is very important for an affiliate marketer to have a good business relationship with customers or visitors.

You should also be creative. The real key to being successful with affiliate marketing is to develop a good content based website and weave your affiliate links into all your content. You have to provide your prospects with good, quality content to keep them coming back to your site. So, do you have what it takes to be an affiliate marketer?

Mar 20, 2022

Are You Using This Internet Marketing Secret?

If you are trying to sell a product or service on the Internet, then you are probably doing so through an affiliate program. You signed up as an affiliate (usually for free) and they gave you an affiliate ID (user name or number). They may have even given you a basic marketing package which includes text ads, banner ads, and solo ads with a link to your affiliate sales page. All you have to do is use these tools to get traffic to your affiliate sales page. 

Well that sounds pretty easy, doesn't it? This process actually works too, except that your probability of converting your traffic into sales is very, very, very low.In other words, you may have to have thousands of people to visit your affiliate sales page before you ever see your first sell. Now those aren't very good odds, are they? 

Unfortunately, that is what most people do. They spend a lot of time, effort, and money getting all of those people to that affiliate sales page and then they finally make a sale and earn a referral fee or commission. But wait, it can get even worse. Let's say that you made one sale and earned a $10 commission.

That's great, right? Well not really, because in the terms and conditions of your affiliate program, you don't actually get paiduntil you have accumulated at least $20 of commissions. So get back to it and get another sale and finally get paid. Good grief! 

Don't quit! Internet marketing is a great way to make extra money, but you have to know some of the secrets. Here's one. "Don't advertise your affiliate program directly." You must use a four step process instead.

Four Step Process 

1. First, you must provide something of value. The easiest valuable thing that you can give away is information. An informative email course, special report, or ebook are all great ways to give away free information. 

2. This step goes along with the initial step above. Don't give away your free information until you get an email address. You must capture the name and email address of your prospective sale in order to be able to implement the next step. 

3. If the information that you are providing is good and helps people, then you will earn some trust. If someone gives you some information that saves you time, money, or effort; then you are going to closely read anything that they send you - as long as the information is still valuable. This is why it is so important that you get that name and email address before you start giving away your information. Now you can keep the information flowing through an occasional email to your prospect. 

4. Finally, if you have been providing valuable information and earning trust from people, it is much more likely that they will buy something that you recommend. This is especially true if you can convince them that what you are recommending will help them and that it is worth their money.

The easiest way to do this is to recommend something that you have actually purchased and use yourself. Just tell them how it helped you and why you think that it was worth what you paid for it!